first impression of TT please and thank you


((ooc: ……..Fine. Let me tell you a tale! So a long time ago (actually only four months ago but whatever) I was casually scrolling along tumblr. I had recently discovered TheMischiefManagers on youtube and I was slowly falling down the black hole that is the HP fandom again. So naturally I was stalking that side of tumblr. Then all of a sudden tumblr decided that hey have you seen this blog? It’s clearly about Harry Potter and you need more of that in your life. So I shrugged and thought “Yeah sure, why not? What’s the worst that could happen? I find more hp facts and pictures to reblog?”. This blog was TT. 

OOOOOOh boy was I not prepared. The first thing I see is the second part of their Dark Sirius AU thread. I am super confused a bit frightened but also incredibly intrigued. So I find the whole thread in the right order and I slowly start to grasp it. Who is this gorgeous creature and what are they doing to the poor characters? Mind you I never liked angst before that. After that I was forever lost to the void. 

So in conclusion! First impression of TT? Gorgeous, terrifying, super talented and kind of a little shit with others angsty feelings.

Current impression? Gorgeous, not terrifying at all but actually incredibly sweet and genuine, super talented and still a massive little shit about others angsty feelings. 

I also have a major conspiracy theory about TT and Sauron but you have to pester Meg about that one.. ))

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